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High-tech Zone,Zhengzhou, Henan, China
weber Steinlim, dry mortar adhesive. Saint-Gobain Byggevarer . weber Støpemørtel Bad, dry floor screed ... Saint-Gobain Byggevarer . weber B30. Saint-Gobain Byggevarer . weber B20 Pumpebetong. Saint-Gobain Byggevarer . weberbase KC 35/65. Saint-Gobain Byggevarer . weberbase KC 50/50. Saint-Gobain Byggevarer ... [email protected] Invoice ...
weber B20, dry mortar - EPD Norge. The Norwegian EPD Foundation . Box 5250 Majorstuen N-0303 Oslo Norway Telephone: +47 977 22 020 [PDF] StoPur EB 200 - mortar to establish a cove in the junction between floor and wall. Learn More
The Norwegian EPD Foundation P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen N-0303 Oslo Norway Email: [email protected] Invoice: Electronic invoice (EHF) to company number 985223114 Personvern/GDPR
2020-11-20 · (Independent verifier approved by EPD Norway) Sign Product description: weber B20 is a premixed dry mortar based on cement and sand. When mixed with water, weber B20 is a ready-to-use mortar for indoor and outdoor concrete work. Product specification The composition of the product is described in the following table: Materials % Binder 10-30 ...
2022-1-19 · weber B20, dry mortar. weber B20 is a premixed dry mortar based on cement and sand. When mixed with water, weber B20 is a ready-to-use mortar for indoor and outdoor concrete work. Technical data: Compressive strength 28 days: > 25 MPa. Flexural strenght 28 days: > 5 MPa. For further information see weber-norge.no .