High-tech Zone,Zhengzhou, Henan, China
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2022-2-7 · FI1800 Winter Batching Plant Description. Semi-mobile concrete batching plant, which can mix concrete at temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius. The batching plant has a capacity of 20-30 M³/h. The batching plant is assembled on a common steel frame. Agitator pan mixer. Two integrated hoppers for 2-4 types of aggregate.
2022-2-8 · Our main products are broken down into mobile batching plants and semi-mobile batching plants. The mobile batching plants are mounted on a wheeled bogie or trailer, and the semi-mobile batching plant is mounted on feet or skid. The Fibo Collect product is a flexible solution that has been designed for multiple uses.
2022-1-22 · Winter Batching Plants - Concrete Batching Plant UK. FI1800 Winter Batching Plant Description Semi-mobile concrete batching plant, which can mix concrete at temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius. The batching plant has a capacity of 20-30 M³/h. The batching plant is assembled on a common steel frame. Agitator pan mixer.
2022-2-9 · Fibo intercon is currently a leading, international manufacturing company with approx. 35 employees and a representative network in several countries. We develop, manufacture and deliver mobile, semi-mobile and stationary batching plants as well as production equipment and complete production systems.
2022-1-22 · Winter batching plant FI1800 fibo intercon PDF High/Low/Average 1 - 25 of 83 Listings Sort By : Best Match - (Manufacturer, Model, Year, Price) - Default Distance: Nearest Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Year: Low to High Year: High to Low Hours: Low to High Hours: High to Low Manufacturer Model Serial Number Stock Number Recently Added ...
Floor Screed. Simple mixture of water, cement and graded aggregate; Creates smooth hard-wearing subfloor; Perfect for use with underfloor heating systems
fibo intercon Aluminium belt conveyors Your partner in concrete solutions fibo intercon Open the catalog to page 1 Focus on flexibility and economy Aluminium belt conveyors in belt widths of 0.8 M, 1.0 M and 1.2 M and lengths of 8 - 14 M. Available mounted on either wheels, height-adjustable legs or a frame with draw hook.