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2021-12-6 · You will be most successful composting your poultry litter if you start your compost pile with the proper ratios of manure to bedding. Ideally, a ratio of 25% manure to 75% bedding (for example wheat or barley straw, grass or alfalfa hay, or pine shavings). An acceptable range is 20-40% manure to 80-60% bedding.
2013-10-9 · Pine Shavings in Compost #156201. Asked October 08, 2013, 1:13 PM EDT. It is my understanding that some pine trees emit toxins that prevent other plants from growing. I have a friend who has a chicken coop and has saved some prized chicken poop for me for composting.
2017-4-20 · I know this is an older thread but I'd like to add to it as well. I have 4 Barred Rocks and In the Tampa Florida area - my coop is a 1/2 inch wire raised floor (they have a loft style coop) and underneath is bare ground that I put pine shavings in to help when it rains to keep them dry - every 2-3 weeks I clean up what's left on the hard wire floor and mix it in with the
2007-11-27 · I've been composting pine shavings for a while, and I've not had any problems. (Not that I'm out there measuring the pH though) I also use PDZ in my chicken coop along with the shavings, and I'm assuming it acts like lime as far as the compost goes.
I use pine/juniper pellet fuel as kitty litter, and the urine-soaked sawdust is a large proportion of the compost pile (with dead leaves and kitchen scraps). The veggies in the bed that is about 60% compost and 30% sandy desert dirt are thriving. The flowers in the bed that was top-dressed with 4-6 inches of compost are thriving.
2013-11-13 · dave. Nov 11, 2013 2:33 PM CST. Garden.org Admin. The potty will be high nitrogen. This is urea and plenty of gardeners use it as a nitrogen source. Pine needles are used in many gardens and although some suggest that they
2014-4-24 · Re: Pine Shavings affects on garden soil. The main problem with any kind of wood or paper is that the C:N ratio is extremely high, which means it can deplete nitrogen if added directly to soil. When manure is mixed in, it counteracts it, but often there are more shavings than manure. It would be best to compost this stuff for a few months.
2015-3-28 · The pine shavings will just be laid on top of the compost, so there should be no nitrogen loss, especially with the layer of compost in between the wood chips and the soil. Basically I am having a difficult time finding enough wood chips to use, but shavings I can purchase easily from the feed store.
2021-2-22 · Most backyard compost piles never reach a high enough temperature to kill pathogens and spores. And with that in mind, it is always a good idea to keep your tomato plants out of the compost bin! #3 Fat / Grease / Oil . Adding fat, or
2022-2-4 · The bottom line is if you’re using some type of sawdust or wood shavings in your composting toilet you need to make sure they’re not treated and aren’t going to hurt the organisms in your pile. If you would like to talk with one of our representatives about your composting toilet, please feel free to contact us on 1300 138 182.
2002-7-1 · The lowest C losses were observed for the pine shavings at 14%, followed by the pine shavings corrected with soybeans at 25%. The N losses were highly and negatively correlated to C losses ( r =−0.85) while poorly and negatively correlated to the BOD 5 of either the compost mixture or the bulking agent ( r =−0.38).
I get away with composting a lot of cedar and pine sawdust but I live in a climate that eats organic matter for a snack. It is often hot and wet here so having some slow to rot stuff mixed into the rest is probably a good thing. In a cool dry climate, cedar shavings might act more like fossils in a compost pile and would perhaps be better avoided.
2010-6-18 · Would pine shavings, the kind that are used as bedding for horses, be OK to use as mulch in my garden. ... I take them to the garden. I'm trying to do Lasagna Gardening so there is plenty of compost in the garden. At the end of the season I will cover the remaining shavings with aged horse manure and the process will start again.
2010-4-16 · Pine Cat Litter as a Compost Agent. I have successfully switched our wonderful idiots to a pine cat litter. It's the type that comes in little pellets that deteriorates to sawdust when the cats pee on it. Great stuff, wonderful for odors and very easy to use. I have used sawdust as a compost in the past, and since the urea of the cats is full ...
2018-6-1 · Yes you can compost pine sawdust. it is considered a brown addition. You can also consider making some pine sachets to put in your closet or dresser drawers, or shoes. Make them fancy by sewing with pretty fabric, or make them fast and functional by stuffing old socks with the sawdust. Have fun.
Just make sure the shavings are fine enough (if they're too coarse, they won't do a very good job at locking in the smells). 5. Use pine shavings. Pine shavings can be cheaper to get hold of than other wood shavings. They're also more effective
2019-3-29 · 5. Keep the compost pile thoroughly aerated. Aeration is important in any compost pile, as aerobic bacteria need a continual supply of oxygen to break down your compost. This task becomes especially important when adding large amounts of sawdust to your compost pile. As sawdust is composed of very small pieces of material, it can easily become ...