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Comment by Thottbot Coarse Stone drops mainly from Tin veins. Typically 1 or 2 stone will drop from every third swing of the pick. However, because one Tin bar and one Copper bar combine to form two Bronze bars, it just seems like you never quite have enough Coarse Stone... in addition to this virtually EVERY bronze recipe (and even a couple Iron recipes) require it...
Coarse Grinding Stone - Item - World of Warcraft. View in 3D Links. Quick Facts. Screenshots.
2022-1-11 · As an ingredient. This item is used in the following recipes: Blacksmithing [Deadly Bronze Poniard] [Golden Rod] [Green Iron Boots] [Green Iron Gauntlets] [Heavy Bronze Mace] [Iridescent Hammer] [Iron Counterweight] [Iron Shield Spike] [Mighty Iron Hammer] [Patterned Bronze Bracers] [Pearl-Handled Dagger] [Rough Bronze Shoulders] [Silvered Bronze Boots]
2022-2-1 · Created by Blacksmiths from two Coarse Stones. Requires a skill of 75 to make. Coarse Grinding Stones are used in the following recipes: Deadly Bronze Poinard Golden Rod Green Iron Boots Green Iron Gauntlets Heavy Bronze Mace Iridescent Hammer Iron Counterweight Iron Shield Spike Mighty Iron Hammer Patterned Bronze Bracers Pearl
The recipe for coarse grinding stone and some others is under the heading "Metal and Stone", and is at the bottom of my blacksmithing list....Was just looking for the recipe for 'Coarse Grinding Stone'. ... The genius' at WOW added a classification at the very bottom of the recipes list called 'Metal & Stone'. THIS is where Heavy Grinding Stone ...
In the Profession Spells category. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Always up to date with the latest patch (1.14.2).
Coarse Grinding Stone Crafting Reagent Item Level 10 Sell Price: 10. Additional Information. Created By (1) Reagent For (16) Comments; Screenshots; Name Reagents Source Skill Skill Up; Coarse Grinding Stone: 2: Trainer: Blacksmithing (75) 75 75 88 100. 1 Social Media. Services. Sign In. Help. Advertise ...
2022-1-25 · A dedicated wowhead-like world database browser for the Light's Hope Vanilla/Classic WoW community. Coarse Grinding Stone - Items. ... Sells for: 10. Link Game link Coarse Grinding Stone. Coarse Grinding Stone. Related. Contribute. Number of MySQL queries: 3 Time of MySQL queries: 0.044031143188477 ...
2020-5-31 · 魔兽世界中粗制砂轮的数据(材料), ID:3478 邮箱联系 六零插件 六零数据库 60wdb 最专业的经典旧世数据库 数据针对「60级 经典旧世 地球时代 香草魔兽」1.12版本 60wdb base on ClassicWoW (Vanilla WoW) 1.12 base
Coarse Grinding Stone. See also. Contribute. Number of MySQL queries: 11 Time of MySQL quries: 0.051480770111084 ...
2021-12-29 · 材料. 技能要求. 粗制砂轮. Coarse Grinding Stone. 2. 锻造 (75) 75 75 88 100. 1. 共1条.
'Coarse Grinding Stone' prices on the World of Warcraft auction house online! √ Hourly updated √ All Realms and Regions √ Shadowlands.
2022-1-22 · Coarse Stone as an Ingredient. Coarse Stone is used in the following recipes: Blacksmithing [Coarse Grinding Stone] [Coarse Sharpening Stone] [Coarse Weightstone] Engineering [Coarse Blasting Powder] Jewelcrafting [Coarse Stone Statue] Notes. Also see: Stones. Patch changes. Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Stacks to 200, up from 20. External links ...
2022-2-3 · These two professions use Grinding stone items that are conceptually and iconically similar, but they do not use the same items: . Blacksmithing. Grinding stones are ingredients both crafted by and used in Blacksmithing recipes, are used for the Darkmoon Faire quests [10] Heavy Grinding Stone and [40] More Dense Grinding Stones, as well as the Silithus quest [60]
2011-1-19 · 125 – 200. Learn Blacksmithing Expert. 125 – 140. 35 x [Heavy Grinding Stone] – 105 Heavy Stone Keep the Heavy Grinding Stones. Make this one up to 150, if Heavy Stone is cheap. 140 – 145. 5 x [Rough Bronze Shoulders] – 25 Bronze Bar, 5 Coarse Grinding Stone. 145 – 150. 5 x [Patterned Bronze Bracers] – 25 Bronze Bar, 10 Coarse ...
Coarse Grinding Stone - Item - Classic wow database. Quick Facts. Added in content phase: Level: 20. Buy for: 40. Sells for: 10. Screenshots. None yet – Submit one! In-Game LinkIn-Game LinkForum LinkForum Link WowpediaWowpedia.
55-75: 40x Coarse Sharpening Stone – (1x Coarse Stone) 76-100: 100x Coarse Grinding Stone – (2x Coarse Stone) Save these for later. 101-105: 5x Silver Rod – (1x Silver Bar, 2x Rough Grinding Stone) Enchanters need these. You might be able to sell them. 106-120: 15x Rough Bronze Leggings – (6x Bronze Bar)
2019-7-3 · 符文精金棒,提供最好的中文版魔兽世界70级数据库,TBC燃烧的远征数据库,分类最好的wow database,魔兽世界2.4.3版本的地图,物品,装备,武器,套装,NPC,技能,任务,地区,道具,声望,事件,天赋模拟器,音乐,声效,等详细数据.
2019-7-15 · 符文奥金棒,提供最好的中文版魔兽世界60级数据库,分类最好的wow database,魔兽世界1.12版本的地图,物品,装备,武器,套装,NPC,技能 ...
2019-7-17 · 符文魔铁棒,提供最好的中文版魔兽世界80级数据库,WLK巫妖王之怒数据库,分类最好的wow database,魔兽世界3.3.5版本的地图,物品 ...