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1 天前 · About Concrete Plants. ... Different mixtures and additives make concrete suitable for roller compacted concrete (RCC), pre-cast, and prestressed applications. Read More. Print Email. policy of rajasthan government for sand making plant. High/Low/Average 1 - 25 of ...
2011-9-20 · CAPTIVE POWER PLANT POLICY. This policy has been framed to create an institutional mechanism for providing easy and automatic entry for industry to meet its requirement of energy by setting up its own generating station. The highlights of the policy are: This shall remain applicable till 31 st March, 2004.
2019-1-10 · A policy in the context on how to regulate production and supply of M-Sand is expected to be prepared within a week. “On the lines of Delhi and Haryana where M-sand units have been established to meet the construction demands, the state government has issued directives to the officials to draft a policy on M-sand that is a best substitute for ...
2021-7-11 · Rajasthan Mineral Policy 2015 09 being supplied to Ramgarh Power Plant (110MW+160 MW) and GNFC. d. Oil India Limited has undertaken trial production (2009) of Heavy Oil in Baghewala, Jaisalmer area for the exploitation of proved Heavy Oil reserves of 25 million tonnes and bitumen reserves of 53 million tonnes and has produced about 1,432 metric
2018-6-25 · The policy earmarks priority issues of Government of Rajasthan along with the service level benchmarks and implementation plans for critical indicators like coverage of toilets and sewage network services, collection efficiency, extent of reuse and recycling of sewage and efficiency of redressal of customer complaints.
Capital Subsidy equivalent to 20% of investment made on the plant & machinery, subject to a maximum of rupees fifty lakh. TYPES OF INCENTIVES. All eligible Service Enterprises as per Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme – 2019. Investment Subsidy of 75% of State tax due and deposited, for seven years.
2018-9-3 · The draft policy is still under consideration at government level,” says an officer. The demand of manufactured sand has been on rise for constructional needs since river sand (bajri) become scarce and expensive. The state requires
2020-12-24 · Indian government wants to develop a ‘green city’ in every state of the country, powered by renewable energy. The ‘green city’ will mainstream environment-friendly power through solar rooftop systems on all its houses, solar parks on the city’s outskirts, waste to energy plants and electric mobility enabled public transport systems.
This policy shall be known as the Rajasthan Rare Earth Elements Policy 2021 (hereinafter referred to as 'policy') and shall come into effect from the date of its notification in the Official Gazette. The policy shall remain in force until it is amended or superseded by the State Government. 4. Ease of Doing Business
2022-1-18 · Bioscope. Services. Utility Bill Payment. Certificates and Licenses. Fee and Government Levies. Application Submission of Various Department. Grants, Scholarships and Entitlements.
2017-8-3 · State Level Policy (2017) for Waste Water Recycle & Feacal Sludge Management (FSM) is to ensure improved health status of urban population, specially the poor and under privileged, through the provision of sustainable sanitation services and protection of environment. The policy specifically endorses the following core principles: i.
2015-1-1 · Policy making to the powering agencies educating community & many more activities lies on them.Internationaly most of the developing countries has imposed rules on clean environment. National government can impose rules & policies while provincial authorities can practically implement the good environmental practices.International monitoring ...